
Re-Entry Programing

Coaching and mentoring, presentations, trainings, vocational and financial literacy programs.

The No Entry Project

History has shown us that if you continue to take away a person's hopes and dreams for their greater prospects in life, then eventually you begin to take away that person's reason for living

Support Groups

We provide a wide array of interactive support groups to educate, encourage and empower persons transitioning from various adverse environments and situations.

Supported Employment

Davis Endeavors provides supported employment for people for whom competitive employment has been difficult to attain, maintain, or for whom competitive employment has been interrupted or intermittent due to the need for additional or ongoing support.


Davis Endeavors and the No Entry Network have partnered to bring the very first Hope Community Care Collaborative Drop-in Center providing returning citizens with much-needed support including clothing, showers, washer and dryer, internet, support groups, resume assistance, vital document assistance and mental health referrals.