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Terrence Davis

Terrence Davis
Davis Endeavors CEO, Terrence Davis, is a social service representative with over 20 years of experience in case management, crisis intervention, community engagement, and program development. He has served as the Program Director for The Hope Foundation Reentry Network DC since 2014. Bringing program leadership and oversight to the S.A.F.E, Fresh Start, Ready Set Grow, Parenting, Anger Management, and Restorative Justice programs within the Department of Corrections, Ward 8 community and MORCA, he ensures that clients are afforded a secure, safe, and therapeutic environment. Terrence is a successful advisor, facilitator, and client advocate in the areas of substance abuse prevention, rehousing, and mental health rehabilitation.
Born in East Orange and raised in Newark, New Jersey, Terrence relocated to the Washington, D.C. area at 18. Despite enduring physical and emotional trauma as an adolescent, succumbing to violence, the drug world, and incarceration, he was able to overcome the most challenging pitfalls of society. With strong support from his family and the community, he strived to embody a model of principles, discipline, and healthy lifestyle choices that produced a lasting change in his life. Terrence uses these same experiences and practices to connect with diverse populations including the homeless, mentally and emotionally challenged, at-risk youth, and the incarcerated community.
Over the past 18 years, Terrence elevated his skills from a problem-solving facilitator to a strategic interventionist in the areas of behavior modification, substance abuse prevention, psychiatric rehabilitation, and youth development. Mr. Davis is the founder of “No Entry,” a model for educating adolescents on and aiding them in overcoming the barriers and pitfalls created by their criminogenic traits before the onset of incarceration, substance abuse incarceration, criminal thinking, and destructive behaviors. He is also a certified Peer Specialist and a Recovery Coach on the Residential Substance Abuse Treatment unit with the D.C. Department of Corrections, and serves on the Prince Georges County Reentry Advisory Board.
Terrence’s extensive contributions to youth development have established a track record of favorable outcomes. He has successfully provided behavior modification techniques to individuals presenting typical Axis I & II disorders including depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and various mood disorders. He has provided a continuum of care in the community, participating in 504/IEP treatment plan meetings in conjunction with the Department of Youth and Rehabilitation Services (DYRS), Child and Family Services (CFSA), the Department of Public Services (PDS), the Court Services and Supervision Agency (CSOSA), and various interdisciplinary teams.
Throughout the years Mr. Davis has developed a strategic intervention style that is genuine, thought-provoking, and engaging; one that allows him to be equally effective in providing long-term coaching, mentoring, case management, and life skills to individuals coping with incarceration, homelessness, unemployment, and prosocial behaviors.